Our Farm Market
Return to simpler times – eat local and savor the flavor of the seasons with a fresh from-the-field taste that just can’t be beaten.
Visit our market!
We’ve also have a digital addition to our farm. Check out our online market for a nice selection of our farm products. Order ahead for pick-up at a variety of locations including our farm.
Each season is celebrated in our market. We feature our own as well as other locally grown fruits and vegetables. You can truly enjoy the abundance that Ontario family farms have to offer.
Open Victoria Day weekend until Christmas Eve December 24th
Your cooking always tastes great when you start with fresh, quality ingredients coming fresh out of the field. Meals can be simple yet delicious. Keep mealtime interesting and timely with the great variety of produce grown in Ontario.
Along with fresh from the field produce we have a selection of
Raw honey from the hives on our farm is available in our market. Our beekeeper keeps it raw for us with no heating or filtering so that all the goodness and flavor can be preserved. We have 2 honey harvests in our growing season, weather permitting – summer and fall. Each seasonal harvest has a distinct flavor of its own because of the seasonal crops in our fields and the wildflowers blooming. Sample the seasons and pick your favorite.
Check out our freezers for pork, and chicken that we’ve produced or sourced locally that is grain fed and humanely raised with no antibiotics or added hormones. Our meat is available all season long.
Choose from a selection of our homemade jams made from the fruits harvested from our fields. We also have a great selection of preserves and relishes made by several other small Ontario family businesses.
Who doesn’t want dessert? mmm… try our pies. Made with a fresh fruit filling and baked fresh here on the farm!
Seasonal Highlights (Check which months Ontario-grown crops are available)
Click here for the Foodland Ontario Fruit Crop Seasonal Availability Guide
Click here for the Foodland Ontario Vegetable Seasonal Availability Guide
Click here for Foodland Ontario’s Most Popular Recipes Finder
Ontario Greenhouse vegetables and root crops such as onions and potatoes along with fresh apple cider are still available. The month of May welcomes the new crops of rhubarb and asparagus.
Fruits and vegetables make for a cool, quick summer meal.
Strawberries –the first sweet taste of summer is eagerly anticipated. Available fresh picked in our market and pick your own approx mid-June to early July
Sweet peas and sugar snap peas – late June into July
Raspberries, Black currants, Gooseberries,
New potatoes, green and yellow beans
Sweet corn begins in mid-July
Tomatoes – mid to late August
Enjoy fresh peaches and other tender fruit from the Niagara region.
Isn’t it just the best time of year? The weather can be amazing and of course, the food is fantastic. Take time to celebrate the bounty of the harvest as the variety of crops available is at its peak. We have over 10 varieties of apples featured in our market, including Honey Crisp.
Our fresh apple cider is flash pasteurized and delicious. Don’t miss out on our Apple Cider pressing day – the last Sunday of October. Come see the Geissberger brothers make cider on their mobile apple cider press.
Check out our display of garden mums, straw bales, gourds, corn stalks, and pumpkins galore. The Indian corn is colorful adding beauty and interest to any door or wall.
We raise our turkeys where you can see them. Free range and grain fed, they are delicious.
Call 905-985-6749 to book your fresh turkey. (we start taking orders in late August and need a 5 lb range to try and meet your needs)
Fresh turkeys are available for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Time to stock up for winter. Apples are still plentiful along with the winter storage vegetables such as squash, potatoes, onions, and our Nantes carrots (the sweetest variety I’ve ever tasted). It’s soup season and Ontario vegetables will make any combination a winner. Our meats and baked goods will round out an amazing meal; comfort food for the cooler, grey days of autumn.
Traditional Christmas-baked goodies are available at the beginning of December. Our cookie trays are great for office parties, as hostess gifts, or just to add some variety to the goodies you’ve already baked.
Fresh, grain-fed turkeys are also available by special order (call 905-985-6749 to order yours).
Don’t forget to place your “stock up the freezer for winter” orders for we close on December 24th and don’t reopen until the Victoria Day weekend in May.
Our fresh-cut Christmas trees smell like you’re in the middle of a forest. We have beautiful, fresh-cut Balsam Fir trees. They are 5 to 12 feet tall in a price range for everyone’s budget. Need a fresh cut before taking it home? No problem. It’s our pleasure to ensure you have an amazing tree to help celebrate the holidays.
Make our market part of your farm visit. Your stomach will thank you.
We accept cash, VISA, MasterCard, and Interac