Farming Foundations- A Tour for all Ages
Get outside and experience the wonder and joy found on our farm!
Explore the everyday relationships we have with nature and farms using all of your senses.
Activities are geared to the participant’s ages and abilities encouraging them to connect the farm to their world through the food they eat and drink and the products they use every day
We aim to strengthen their connection to the world around them to help them build a stronger foundation of knowledge and understanding for a future of healthier choices.
Available May to mid-November – Activities and crops vary with the season.
Stone Soup – Building community and connections through food.

Our community-themed Farming Foundations tour
Participants pick a variety of crops from our fields to take with them keeping in mind the spirit of the “Stone Soup” story. Everything harvested goes into a basket or box to be later shared.
The focus of this tour is on the community and not the individual. A good theme to focus on if you have a community service project planned, a food bank to donate to or you’re making soup for everyone. If you wish to divide the harvest equally amongst the participants, this can be done back at your school.