Raw Unpasteurized Honey
The bees are busy on our farm and we like to keep them that way. Throughout the season we grow a wide selection of fruits and vegetables. We also leave a number of acres of land uncultivated for natural meadows and forest encouraging the wildflowers to flourish and feed the bees. Our honey is unheated and unprocessed allowing all the natural goodness to shine through. It’s like honey in the comb but without the wax.

  • Product Details

    Unheated, unpasteurized raw honey from the hives on our farm. Each season the honey is harvested if the weather treats the bees right and there is enough to harvest. Summer and fall; taste the unique flavour of each season because of the flowers and crops that are blooming at the time.
  • Product Details

    Unheated, unpasteurized raw honey from the hives on our farm. Each season the honey is harvested if the weather treats the bees right and there is enough to harvest. Summer and fall; taste the unique flavour of each season because of the flowers and crops that are blooming at the time.
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