We are starting with two offerings this week which can be picked up at the farm or delivered to specified areas .

  • A Farm Box for $32 containing a nice mix of storage vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions, ambrosia apples and greenhouse items such as kale, mushrooms, lettuce, cucumbers or tomatoes from our neighbours.
    Contents may vary based on crop availability.
  • A Mothers’ Day Breakfast Bundle. Treat Mom to an extra special breakfast made up of locally raised delicious bacon, farm fresh eggs, 500 gm jar of raw honey (or 3L box sweet Apple Cider), jar of our own homemade jam and freshly baked bread all for $45 including delivery.

A 3rd option is to participate in our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program this year. Your purchase of these items will support not only our farm, but our neighbouring farms and the staff we employ whom many of you know from shopping at our markets.


Thank you for being a farm and local food advocate. This year is unlike any other year in our history in farming. Spring is cooperating sort of (it’s cold out there).  We have been able to plant some of our fields and the greens are sprouting in the greenhouse.  These are the small things in life that makes Farmer Jim’s day bright.

We are so thankful for our bounty, our health and the life we have made on the farm. Farming does have its inherent risks; most often it’s crop challenges related to insects, diseases and weather.  These risks we accept, have grown accustomed to and been able to plan for.

This year we have a new challenge related to the food supply chain. Like so many of our neighbours we are asking ourselves where do we sell our products? As a small farm we rely on you, our farm and market customers, to purchase our products directly from us at our on-farm market or the farmers markets we attend.

At this time of writing, our farm opening is delayed till at least June, the farmer’s markets have all been postponed and our educational programs suspended. We cannot postpone spring and delay the crops that have been sewn and we don’t want to.  We all need to eat and you can’t beat that fresh from the field taste.

In the fall we celebrate our harvest.  Crops such as potatoes, apples, carrots and onions are stored over the winter and available until the first spring crops are ready for harvest.  With greenhouse grown and storage crops we have a nice mix of fruit and vegetables available for you.

We need to draw upon our farming mindset of resilience and adapt to the currently changing market to distribute our produce.  Our farm has gone online to connect you to locally grown food. Join us in this journey and please be patient while we learn these new skills.