As with many of you we have felt the frost quakes, had difficulty starting cars and tractors and generally griped about the cold. We’ve been working diligently in the market trying to keep the apples and the water pipes from freezing.
Our moving has been hampered with the cold weather as most things are frozen into the ground. Let’s hope for an extensive January thaw.
One benefit of this cold is the possible reduction in some of our non-native invasive insects. Maybe this may be the temperature that will kill many overwintering in the soils and trees.
Thank you to everyone for your support, fond memories shared of time spent on the farm and your willingness to visit us in Greenbank. I will soon be sending out our first e newsletter for all who have signed up.
You are welcome to drop into the market while we are packing up. We will keep some apples including our honey crisp apples, on hand and our boxed cider along with our preserves and honey. Please call ahead with any special orders for pies as we will only bake them upon request. Variety is becoming limited as I am not renewing my inventory until after our move. We will be answering the phone and checking messages, please call the market number at 905-887-1087.
We will also continue our school tour program in Greenbank. To book a tour call 905-887-1086
Stay safe and warm.