Our first batch of free range, grain fed chickens are now cleaned, dressed and in the cooler in Markham. They’re waiting for an invite to dinner.
The chicks we have for viewing in the spring are roasting chickens and some are now huge. They’ve had a good life in our turkey pen and we’re ready to move on. If you can’t make it out this weekend, you’ll find some in our market freezer.
Strawberry Time is nearing an end. DON’T DELAY
Our pick your own in Greenbank will be closing for the season at 5pm Sunday July 13th. We will continue to have fresh picked berries available in our Markham farm market until approx. Sunday July 20th.
Sweet Peas and Sugar Snap Peas now available
This has been good pea weather with the cooler nights and not extremely hot days. Our sugar snap and sweet peas are ready for picking. We’ve got fresh picked available in our market for all to enjoy.