f you have visited our CSA Facebook Page you will have noticed today’s post, titled June 15th… Deadline’s Coming! This is a blog post shared by the Bloomfield family of Ilderton, Ontario. This article shares the stress the family and Farmer Steve is experiencing on the farm this spring following the wet fall of 2018.
Rarely do we share other’s posts however this article puts into words what we and many other family farms are experiencing this spring.
We are weeks behind in our planting as a result of the few dry sunny days provided this spring. The few that we have had, have been in-sufficient for drying our fields. On the few dry days we have been hand planting in the fields because the tractors can not yet access them.
One of our Farm Crew Staff member’s, an agriculture student explained the concern of planting in wet soil. It is not just the access to the fields but wet soil will pack soil particles tightly leaving less room for water and air to penetrate and will make it difficult for the roots of the plants. This is not ideal for the seedlings Farmer Jim has invested in.
It is with faith and trust in Mother Nature that Farmer Jim and Leslie continue to farm.
Leslie and Farmer Jim, sincerely appreciate your support and you choosing to purchase from a CSA. Your dollar supports the farm, the family and neighbouring family farms.
This weekend, the sun is supposed to shine. Get outside visit our farm or a local Farmer’s Market and help support local farms and businesses. |