CSA Membership is now open for the season

CSA - Community Supported Agriculture  Join us for 2023! Membership signup is now open! One of the best parts of being a member of our CSA? You get the whole picture of where your produce is coming from. By joining our (CSA)Community Supported Agriculture programs, you get to know your farmer, and know your [...]

By |2023-06-06T11:09:08-04:00February 15th, 2023|agriculture, blog, CSA, News on the Farm|Comments Off on CSA Membership is now open for the season

Spring into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program

Spring has Sprung Our farm is shifting from it’s winter planning mode and springing into action.  The greenhouse is filling up with trays of seedlings in anticipation of warmer weather as the sun warms up the soil allowing planting in the field. Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program is open and signing up members in [...]

By |2023-06-06T11:17:16-04:00March 29th, 2022|agriculture, CSA, farm to fork, spinach, spring, Uxbridge|Comments Off on Spring into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program

It’s Local Farm Week!

Strawberries have started, which is a wonderful treat and an excuse to visit your local farm or farmers market. But you never need an excuse! We were mentioned in this Ontario's Local Food Report, 2021.  They talk about how some farms (ourselves included) are leading efforts to engage young people in agriculture.  We are very [...]

By |2021-06-09T11:03:03-04:00June 9th, 2021|agriculture, education videos, strawberries|Comments Off on It’s Local Farm Week!

The Return of Winter

Not unlike yourselves our seedlings hunkered down for this weather abnormality brought to us by a polar vortex. Our small team of farm hands finished packing last week’s order of Farm Boxes and Mother’s Day bundles to head back into the field to tuck the crops in. It was late Friday morning when we started [...]

By |2020-05-11T11:48:18-04:00May 11th, 2020|agriculture, farms|Comments Off on The Return of Winter

Take Me Out to the Compost

With the farm closed to the public, it has provided us some time to appreciate the compost pile. The compost pile deserves as much loving attention as all our other living  things on the farm, because it too  is alive with microbes and gives life to the fields and their crops. Our ever growing pile [...]

By |2020-05-04T11:32:00-04:00April 26th, 2020|agriculture, farm tours, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Take Me Out to the Compost

Early Spring Farming

Unlike last year spring has arrived on the farm which includes much busy work to prepare for the season ahead. We finally have rebuilt the greenhouse after it was destroyed in a windstorm in early 2019 which means we have been able to start our seeds. The first seeds to go in are the greens [...]

By |2020-04-26T13:12:06-04:00April 13th, 2020|agriculture|Comments Off on Early Spring Farming

A Letter from Jim and Leslie

Well, are these not interesting times?  We can begin to feel very small and powerless while listening daily to the numbers of illness and deaths due to something so small you need a microscope to see it,.  Here on the farm we are choosing to look for the blessings that surround us every day.   [...]

By |2020-04-10T12:53:49-04:00April 10th, 2020|agriculture|Comments Off on A Letter from Jim and Leslie

June 15th…deadline’s coming!

f you have visited our CSA Facebook Page you will have noticed today's post, titled June 15th... Deadline's  Coming!  This is a blog post shared by the Bloomfield family of Ilderton, Ontario. This article shares the stress the family and Farmer Steve is experiencing on the farm this spring following the wet fall of 2018. Rarely do we [...]

By |2019-06-07T11:41:07-04:00June 7th, 2019|agriculture|0 Comments

Strawberries – Off to a late start but in for the long run!

sweet and delicious We are always impatient to get that first taste of strawberries, fresh from the field; this year we had to wait till June 19th.  The good news is that the season is still here with us and strawberries can still be picked.  Hopefully for another week.  That is often unheard [...]

Spring is in the Air

We all heard the collective sigh of relief as the weather warmed up and the sun started melting the snow.  Here on the farm we've had small rivers flowing as the snow melted revealing grass, plowed fields and roadways.  This is a beautiful time of year as the ground is still solid enough to walk [...]

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