We would like to welcome Julia Morch to our team, Education Film Project Manager.

The initial mystery that attends any journey is how did the traveler reach their starting point? How did they get to their ‘destination’ or in my case to Forsythe Family Farms? Maybe it started with growing up in rural Ontario! At the age of 10 (along with my other 5 siblings) I became responsible for ensuring the care of our barn animals consisting of three horses. I can still remember those hot July days walking behind the tractor to stack the hay. Later when it was cooler we would take the bales and stack in the barn for our winter feed. These early lessons and experiences have shaped and influenced me in profound ways!

Less than a month ago, I met Leslie. Our first conversation was at 8 a.m. in the morning (I took this as a sign we were aligned) As many of you know, Leslie is an inspiring leader. That morning, Leslie’s leadership led me to lesson #2, was about being resilient. The way I understand this is the balancing act of a growth mindset and courage to leap into the unknown. 

Captivated by her passion as she shared the big DREAM, I understood that this seed had been germinating for a year and the spark to ignite action was COVID 19. Lesson # 3, leaders need to be resourceful, adapt and take risks.

And so, in 60 minutes, I listened to her vision of a Virtual Excursion of the farm.The curriculum would complement the objective of Teachers teaching Kindergarten to Grade 3. Student’s could virtually visit the Farm in their homes. The outcome would be 7 video’s, based on the Foundational Educational Curriculum. Each video would be approximately 5 minutes in length, geared to children from Kindergarten to Grade 3. In addition to the video’s we would be creating a resource package for teachers (Post COVID”S) that would be used in the classroom.

As we came to the end of our chat, Leslie shared with me how she and her amazing staff were working together to build lesson plans remotely that could be the basis of the video’s. She then asked me if I would join the team as the Project Manager. I said yes!

Over the next month we will be working with Farmboy Productions, www. farmboypro.ca to provide the professional guidance we need to bring these to fruition. We are also excited that Central County Tourism has agreed to partner with us in this initiative. Finally, lesson # 4 the journey is the only path. Regardless of the fears associated with change Leslie & Jim Forsyther embrace change with gratitude.

Say yes to growing with us and this BIG DREAM. Be part of transforming children to be self-confident, compassionate, creative leaders of tomorrow. Be part of our vision to build a healthy planet and a vibrant community. Share this news with your family, friends and community through social media.