Wow how time flies. This winter went by very quickly with all the projects we were able to work on due to the mild weather. Our Greenbank Farm is transforming and will be open once strawberry season starts. Our Markham Farm opens for the season this Saturday School tours are already underway and the market has got it’s spring cleaning. New product is now coming in and we’re getting ready for the big day. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Our website has had some freshening up and you’ll notice a new addition of our CSA being organized and run by Dan and Molly. Check out their page and video. It’s been fun watching them get up and running. Family Membership Seasonal PassWe’ve had many requests for a season pass and this year we’re giving it a try. Check out our home page for more info. Passes are available for sale in the market until June 30th. So come see our babies!!!!Baxter is one of them and I’m sure you’ll meet him as he is very vocal. Bottle fed from birth he is thriving and loves to meet people. He has grown since these pictures were taken.

See you soon!!!