Keeping the Farm and Education Connected
For over 30 years Forsythe Family Farms 2009 Inc. has been welcoming students of all ages onto our farm for educational tours incorporating hands on, interactive experiences in learning the journey of their food from farm to fork.
We’ve now taken our farm tour lessons digital bringing you our most popular tour activities to view online. With visually rich and engaging material, it’s the next best thing to being here on the farm.
Many of us here at Forsythe Family Farms 2009 Inc. are parents currently experiencing the challenges our children are facing with adapting to new learning strategies during these COVID times.
We see and understand the challenges educators are having in developing and presenting interesting, relevant educational material while having limits placed on real life experiences that enhance learning.
We feel passionate about not letting this current situation take away the opportunity for Preschool to Grade 4 students to participate in Farm Education.
Check out our Online Farm Education Video Program.
Over these past months we have risen to the challenge of creating new ways to continue connecting children to farms and nature while still meeting the expectations of the Ontario Science and Technology and the Health and Physical Education Curriculums.
We invite you and your students to join us with
our digital Lessons from our farm.
Our online video lessons focus on the concepts required in the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum – Understanding Life Systems as well as the Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum Strand D – Healthy Living for preschool to Grade 4 level and Social Studies – People and Environment.
Our lessons, filmed here at our farm, relay foundational concepts in a fun and engaging way for learning that actually sticks. Worksheets accompanying each video help the student focus while watching, review what they have just seen and dig deeper into the concepts presented.

For Teachers; Take your Learning Further
Use our online video series to enhance your lessons- as an introduction to your lesson plan, as a review or as bookends to your unit.
Our lessons connect to components of the
Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum
- Understanding Life Systems – Needs and Characteristics of Living Things / Growth and Changes in Animals
Understanding Structures and Mechanisms
Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum
- Healthy Living Strands D1 Understanding Health Concepts / D2 Healthy Eating / D3 Making Connections for Healthy Living
Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
- People and Environments

Use our videos to supplement other homeschool curriculum. Cover the concepts laid out in a fun and engaging way. View them before coming to the farm for a visit. Everything they see will have more meaning.
Visit our introduction page, which will provide you with a glance at what you would be receiving if you partnered with us in your home or classroom.