Ontario peaches and cream sweet corn is now here. We currently have corn from Waterford, Ontario. Its super sweet and delicious.

The weather has been cool and wet which has been great for our pea crop. We’ve now started picking our latest planting and there’s lots to pick. Our green and yellow beans are now ready for pick your own as well. The cool weather extended our strawberry season and today was the last day for berries.

PEACHES, plums, raspberries, blueberries and melons are in the market. Their flavour is amazing.
Raspberry season will last approximately one to two more weeks. Don’t delay. Fresh picked berries are available in the market now.

Our corn maze is growing. We will have it ready for exploring Labour Day weekend.

We’ll be open for fun Monday, August 3rd. This will be the last weekend to enjoy our Enchanted Forest. It will be closed for the month of August and will reopen Labour Day weekend. We take this time to refresh the walkway and make repairs. Wagon rides will still be available August weekends between 10am and 3pm.