Farm Life Friday
Every Friday, we’ve decided to update you all on life on the farm, behind the scenes, and lifestyle posts – and we’re calling this ‘Farm Life Friday’! This week, we’ve got some great updates for you.

With farmer’s market season just around the corner, we’re hard at work to get ready. All of us are doing our spring cleaning and making the farm summer ready! The barns are being cleared, animals coming out from their long winter’s rest, and much more.

We also have some great new crops on the way…

spinach-plantingThis week, the weather was beautiful and perfect for planting and preparation. Farmer Jim planted spinach on Tuesday morning. We’re hoping and expecting to see them sprout up in mid June – and we can’t wait for you to have a taste!

We’re seeing peas sprout up left, right and centre! They should be out of the ground within the week and ready/available by the 10th of June.

After being planted in autumn, we’re excited to finally be seeing our garlic sprout up. With still quite a way’s to go, we’re expecting them to be ready for you at the beginning of August.

For more updates and to learn about how you can get some of our great produce when the season begins, come back to our website, and keep an eye out for next week’s post!