Yesterday, (Sept. 22) was the official first day of Fall and hopefully you were able to enjoy the Harvest Moon last week. If you’re not familiar with that term, a “Harvest Moon” is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. Before artificial lighting, this moonlight was very important to farmers as they could continue the harvest with enough light after sunset.
The last bean crop of the season is being harvested. Make sure to stop by the farm market to pick some up before they’re gone! We know that the frost is inevitable as we get into this time of year. Beans are one crop that we can enjoy right until the frost comes.
Be sure to pick up some fresh-picked apples when you come to the farm market. Currently in stock are Paula Red, Ginger Gold, Gala and Honeycrisp. You may be inspired by this article: The 50 Greatest Things You Can Do With Apples
Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away – Order your holiday Turkey now! A fresh, locally, naturally raised turkey will put the perfect finishing touch on your Holiday. Order now!
Nothing brings a smile to a child’s face like a pumpkin! What a fun way to get to know where your food comes from: helping a child pick out a pumpkin at the farm to bring home. Whether you want it for eating, carving, or just decoration, Forsythe Family Farms has plenty of pumpkins now available! You will find a few different varieties: Fairtytale (which I love imaging turning into a carriage) white pumpkins, Munchkins, Jack-Be-Littles, and of course your traditional pumpkin.
School tours are still being booked. Earlier this week, as I was walking from my car at the farm, I heard a bunch of laughter from a large group sitting at the tables. It was a meeting with all of the farm educators and tour leaders getting ready for a busy school tour season! This wonderful group of ladies works hard to make sure that each child has a fun and memorable experience on the farm while learning the whole time! Book your school tour now:
Forsythe Family Farms 2009 Inc is open Wednesday to Monday 9:30 to 5:30 (closed Tuesdays)
Come for a visit in the quiet of the countryside – shop in the farm market, visit the animals, and have fun exploring the corn maze!
Look forward to the Harvest Festival coming in October: