The first full day of spring is living up to our expectations of warm, sunny weather with a fresh breeze blowing. It is what keeps us optimistic that winter will eventually end. It has been quite a roller coaster ride of temperatures this past winter and it doesn’t look like that will stop with the predictions of snow for tonight.
Farmers are eternally optimistic. They have to be as weather plays such a major role in their success. Signs of such optimism here on our farm include:
- On a cold day in February we ordered our seeds for the new season and we are adding some flowers to our mix of crops this year. It’s nice to have a small indulgence to pick up the spirits.
- Dan has been organizing his CSA and is now open for member sign ups. That to can be an exercise in optimism as you look out the window at the snow and ice. What better way of saying yes to all this cold ending than to sign on for a summer full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- The boys are registering for their farmers markets – they will start up in May
- We’re booking tours for our school tour program which begins the first week of May. We are consolidating our activities from the Markham farm into our Greenbank farm, enhancing what we have to offer here. We’ve added a couple of nice warm rooms that will help us be more weather proof should the spring continue on the cold side.
Take a moment to listen for the birds singing, get out of the wind and feel the strengthening warmth of the sun on your face, look past all the dirty snow banks to see the grass beneath peeking through and enjoy the lengthening of the days.
Warm, sunny days will come again and winter will be left behind. It happens every year. After the winter we’ve had, spring and summer season will be that much more appreciated.