Winter didn't seem to take too long this year, it was a busy one. Check out our website for some new stuff. We are currently developing our birthday party program and there is a page for that. You can email us an inquiry and we'll send you out the information as soon as it is ready. CELEBRATE SPRING NEWSLETTER is on our website as well filled with lot's of information on our farm. Print it off and keep it handy for our produce availability guide and our events calendar. Try the yummy recipe. There is a link to our newsletter on the home page. JAMES IS JOINING US Our son James is now working on the farm with us. He is in charge of our social media and keeping us up to date on twitter and facebook. Are you our friend yet? As well he is persuing some independant enterprises raising some pastured poultry and a couple acres of crops including tomatoes. These will all be available when ready in our Markham market. James is also planning 2 events this season - Celebrate Spring on Victoria Day weekend with kite flying and more as well as Celebrate Honey Monday August 1st. We'll keep you posted about exact details. WE'RE OFF TO ENGLAND Farmer Jim will be holding down things here on the farm while I and the boys are off on a market tour in England. It will be exciting to see how the Brits do things and we hope to come home with loads of ideas. See you soon. We're opening Saturday April 30th.