I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day. We were busy with family from breakfast right through to dinner and managed to have a relaxing time at church. It was a pause that refreshed helping us focus on the reason for Christmas. We’re very fortunate to have Jim’s parents still with us, his Dad is 92 and misses being out selling the trees. We had to be careful not to wear them out with all the festivities.
Our farm and market is closed until the first weekend in May. Winter is our pause in the year, a time to reflect on the past season, rest, re-energise and plan for the new season to come. We’re working on our barn in Greenbank with a future market in mind as well as considering which crops to add next year.
Tis the season of conferences, workshops and farm shows. I’m researching hedgerows that would add beauty, diversification for wildlife and possibly some interesting berries for jams. Lynda and I will be getting together to make our shepherds pies, steak and mushroom pies and possibly some more turkey pies. The winter will go by very quickly.
May your winter be short and sweet. Stay safe.
See you first weekend in May when the fun and food begins again.