Spring is in the Air

We all heard the collective sigh of relief as the weather warmed up and the sun started melting the snow.  Here on the farm we've had small rivers flowing as the snow melted revealing grass, plowed fields and roadways.  This is a beautiful time of year as the ground is still solid enough to walk [...]

Summer – Where has it gone?

This summer may have been not have been the warmest but for us it has been the fastest.  I don't wish time away, each year it just seems to be speeding up.  Now we are at Labour Day weekend and planning for the fall season.  Our Harvest Festival will be happening each weekend in October. [...]

Celebrate Honey, Monday August 4th

Come enjoy our 3rd annual Celebrate Honey day on the farm.  Learn more about bees and the honey they make, and the beekeepers who manage it all.  Sample a selection of our honey, you can taste the difference.We will have wagon rides available on Monday to our Fairy Tale Lane and Discovery Forest walk.  Visit [...]

Summer Marches On

What a comfortable summer we have had.  The weather has helped immensely in extending our strawberry season.  Alas, all good things must end and we have now closed our pick your own strawberry fields.  The boys may have some at their farmers' market booths but they are starting to focus on other fruits.We've been making [...]

Strawberries and peas are fantastic

Our strawberry and pea crop is now abundant, picking is easy and the flavour is great.  We will be open daily with fresh picked and pick your own strawberries and peas.  We will have berries for the Tuesday, July 1st Canada Day holiday and will be open 9 - 5Our activities are expanding, the tricycle [...]

Father’s Day – Celebrate Family

Enjoy the best farms have to offer – good food, fresh air and time spent with family and friends.  Father’s Day is a great time to celebrate not only Dads but families.  Come walk our forest trail and be enchanted with our Fairy Tale Lane.  Our farm animals love visitors and are happy to show off their [...]

Open House Victoria Day Monday and Auction Sale

The day is upon us and ready or not we will be open Victoria Day Monday 9 till 5.  Our auction sale begins at 10 am and has a mix of almost every category you can think of.  Combining 2 farms makes for a lot of extra stuff.Time to Celebrate Spring and it looks like the [...]

Our new spring lineup is complete!

They've all arrived; our farm babies are here.  School tours have started and the children are having a great time visiting the farm and animals. The pigs arrived Wednesday and one has already acquired it's name, Scooter.  The last to get off the trailer, he just couldn't wait and he was off and running out [...]

Warmth and sunshine are the ingredients for a smile

It sure is easier to be happy when you have an amazing day like today.  The snowbanks are finally losing their battle and are succumbing to the inevitable spring melt.  We knew it would happen one day.With the thaw we are able to bring up more of our outside buildings and equipment as they are [...]

An Invitation to our Customer Appreciation Days Dec 14th, 15th and 21st, 22nd

We are truly thankful for the support expressed by our customers; the stories you have told us, the place that  the farm has had in your lives.  Some of you have already brought in pictures for our memory board.It has been 27 years of making the effort to connect with you and share our joy [...]

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