Hot one day, cold the next and now frost warnings in cottage country.  Puts the pressure on to enjoy those last fruits and vegetables of summer before they are gone with the season.  Fall is officially just around the corner.

Tomatoes are one of those crops and our market is bursting with them at the moment.  A customer passed on an amazing recipe today that I will definitely try.  
Slow Roasted Tomatoes
Heat oven to 300 degrees
  1. cut the tomato in half, place cut side up on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
  2. drizzle lightly with olive oil
  3. add slice of garlic
  4. optional – sprinkle with seasoning such as basil  
  5. roast in oven for 3 hours  

Enjoy on its own or in salads.  Tomatos keep for a week in the fridge

Fall also means celebrating the harvest.  Time marches quickly and Thanksgiving will be here in the blink of an eye. Time to order your fresh, free range turkey.