Labour Day weekend – The defining weekend between summer and fall when we get back to our regular routines after the summer break.
For us on the farm it means the tomato crop is coming on strong, fresh picked apples have arrived and the bins of squash are coming in filled from the field. Many of the summer crops such as beans and sweet corn are still available, but the farm is definitely taking on the look of fall with the pumpkins ripening in the field and the garden mums giving us colour in our courtyard.
You’ve been watching the corn grow all summer, now it is ready for you to enjoy and I don’t mean by eating it. Feed corn can be a very tall plant and we use it for our maze because of it’s strength and height. Farmer Jim enjoys making the maze as challenging as possible, we make it harder by adding 5 stations for you to find so you can find your fortune with your fingers.
Our Enchanted Forest has changed over the years. The storybook scenes have always fascinated and enchanted you on the walk, now with close to 20 years of growth the forest has taken on an enchantment of its own. There are few things more peaceful than walking in the woods.