Forsythe Family Farm cider press day and harvest festival

Celia Klemenz Port Perry Star | Oct 30, 2014 Gord Geissberger prepared an apple press with ground apples as juice dripped from the press. Folks visiting the Forsythe Family Farm were treated to seeing a cider mill in action. The mill is owned and operated by brothers, Gord and Gary Geissberger, who stopped in [...]

Giving Thanks for the Harvest

Each season has it's own special crops that we look forward to with eager anticipation. Nothing quite compares to the fall. The cooler weather stimulates our appetite and we look forward to cooking all our comfort foods once again. The gleam is evident in children's eyes when they see the pumpkins in the patch and [...]

Summer – Where has it gone?

This summer may have been not have been the warmest but for us it has been the fastest.  I don't wish time away, each year it just seems to be speeding up.  Now we are at Labour Day weekend and planning for the fall season.  Our Harvest Festival will be happening each weekend in October. [...]

October Harvest Festival Happenings

Fall is now in the air with the cool breezes and cold nights.  Halloween is quickly approaching and the fun continues.  Our pumpkin crop has been amazing this year - in quality, size and numbers.  Our pumpkin corral just keeps filling up to give you a great selection of pumpkins.This will be the last weekend [...]

FUN and FOOD defines Labour Day Weekend

Labour Day weekend - The defining weekend between summer and fall when we get back to our regular routines after the summer break.For us on the farm it means the tomato crop is coming on strong, fresh picked apples have arrived and the bins of squash are coming in filled from the field.  Many of [...]

Halloween is coming soon

Although the pumpkin is closly linked with Halloween, it is also a symbol of the fall harvest - an edible and  fun one.  We've had a great pumpkin crop this year and supply in the fields and our Pumpkin Corral is good.  There are some real beauties out there.Weather forcast for the weekend doesn't look [...]

Ontario Apples are Here

Some farmers in Ontario do have an apple crop. Jim is on his way today to pick up some Ginger Gold apples, a delicious, sweet and crunch early apple from a farm in Simcoe County that escaped the major freeze in April that affected much of the apple, cherry, plum and peach crops in Ontario, [...]

Countdown to Halloween

Wow... 3 more days or sleeps (whichever way you want to look at it) to Halloween. We've got some special activities planned to make the last weekend of our Harvest Festival special. Come on out and enjoy. We've still got a good selection of pumpkins in our Pumpkin Corral and field. The farm is much [...]

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