I love the start of apple season.  There are many early apples, my favorite is Ginger Gold; it is crunchy and sweet.  For all you tart apple lovers we have a small amount of Paula Red apples, they are just starting to be harvested.

Time flies and before you know it September will be here, Macintosh apples will have started and we’ll be well into a multitude of apple varieties.  We are sourcing our apples from the same grower as last year.  John Hordyk is located in Port Burwell.  Jim developed a good relationship with him last year during the apple shortage.  Liking his quality he will support him once again this year.

John grows amazing pears as well and we will be sourcing our Flemish and Bosc pears from him.  Something to look forward to.

Tomatoes Have Begun
Depending on the day you can look out the back door of our market and see an expanse of tomatoes in bushels along with staff trying to wash, sort and basket them.  Our crop is looking fantastic so far and Jim is working hard at keeping it that way.  Check out the abundance we have of cherry tomatoes, round and even roma varieties.  We will soon be into canning season.

Sweet Peas
Who would have thought they’d be sweet and plentiful in August especially since they got fried in July.  These past two weeks of beautiful, cooler weather has allowed a late crop of peas to flourish and we’re enjoying them immensely.  Get them before they are gone.  You can even pick your own.

Celebrate Honey
Another successful day on the farm.  Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about bees and honey in a fun and tasty way.  Mark your next years calendar for the civic holiday Monday Celebrate Honey on the farm day.   Here is Rebecca with the beekeeping equipment.