Strawberries – Off to a late start but in for the long run!

sweet and delicious We are always impatient to get that first taste of strawberries, fresh from the field; this year we had to wait till June 19th.  The good news is that the season is still here with us and strawberries can still be picked.  Hopefully for another week.  That is often unheard [...]

Spring is in the Air

We all heard the collective sigh of relief as the weather warmed up and the sun started melting the snow.  Here on the farm we've had small rivers flowing as the snow melted revealing grass, plowed fields and roadways.  This is a beautiful time of year as the ground is still solid enough to walk [...]

Strawberries, Peas and Chickens….

are still headliners at the farm.  Our crop of berries is still amazing and plentiful for picking and fresh picked as well.  Our late season berries are just starting to turn red so we may have another two weeks in the strawberry season.Our second planting of peas is now ready for picking.  They are young [...]

Strawberries and peas are fantastic

Our strawberry and pea crop is now abundant, picking is easy and the flavour is great.  We will be open daily with fresh picked and pick your own strawberries and peas.  We will have berries for the Tuesday, July 1st Canada Day holiday and will be open 9 - 5Our activities are expanding, the tricycle [...]

Open Canada Day Weekend both Farms

Hot and Humid or Cool and Wet, seems there is no in-between these days.  Better than Alberta so I won't complain.We will be open all weekend at each farm. Our Greenbank Farm is open Saturday, Sunday and Monday 9-5 for pick your own and fresh picked strawberries and sweet peas. Markham, we are open 9-6 [...]

Pick your own Strawberries and Peas at Greenbank Farm

Our Greenbank Farm is now open for pick your own and fresh picked strawberries and sweet peas.  The cold, wet weather has delayed the season but this heat wave is bringing them on.  Come soon to get the best of the crop.Our strawberry crop is not up to what last years was.  There were lots [...]

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