Time is flying by!

We're past the half way mark of November and time keeps marching on.  Soon our fall season will end; the corn maze will be combined, Jim will finish his plowing, the fall mums fade.  Our farm animals always love visitors though.The best thing about farming is one season leads to another - for us it [...]

Celebrate Honey Monday August 6th

Our Spring Blossom Honey is now available. Come Monday August 6th, the Civic Holiday, to celebrate all the hard work the bees do to give us honey. Enjoy the farm and all our weekend activities. Learn more about bees and the honey making process with extra activities throughout the day. Best yet sample the different [...]

Christmas is almost here!

Wow, how time has flown - Christmas is in 2 weeks. We've been busy decorating, baking and making our turkey and chicken pies. The meat pies are now available in our freezer. They're a great quick meal solution for busy times. Fresh TurkeysDon't delay in ordering yours. We've got our order book ready and waiting. [...]

Countdown to Halloween

Wow... 3 more days or sleeps (whichever way you want to look at it) to Halloween. We've got some special activities planned to make the last weekend of our Harvest Festival special. Come on out and enjoy. We've still got a good selection of pumpkins in our Pumpkin Corral and field. The farm is much [...]

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