Garlic Scape Facts

Garlic Scape Facts The weekly spotlight is shared with permission from Bounty from the Box: The CSA Farm Cookbook, by Mi Ae Lipe Green garlic is one of spring’s first much-anticipated crops. Green garlic is simply the juvenile stage of the familiar cured bulb garlic that we all know so well—parts of the new plant [...]

By |2020-07-17T13:58:54-04:00June 21st, 2020|garlic, News on the Farm|Comments Off on Garlic Scape Facts

Strawberries- The sweet taste of summer

Long anticipated, a little late to arrive - strawberries are here!!!We have fresh picked Ontario strawberries available in our Markham Farm Market now.  They took their time - the cooler, wetter weather causing the delay.  The berries are looking good and are consistently more plentiful although I would  recommend jam makers waiting a week till [...]

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