Raspberries have arrived

Heat and humidity - the weather related to raspberries.  The sultry days of summer are progressing and June bearing strawberries are done making way for raspberries to take center stage.  Time to make jam so that you can preserve the great taste of summer for winter.  We also have a limited supply of our own [...]


It is Awesome in name and flavour. Awesome is a gourmet sweet, peaches and cream corn that is a nice combination of sweetness and corn flavour. With proper refridgeration it should stay sweet for a few days. For optimal flavour it is still best to only get what you can eat that day. Currently the [...]

Summer is in full swing and its HOT

I know I don't have to tell you just how hot!!! What has it done to the crops? They're growing fast along with the weeds, are ready sooner than expected and ending faster than we want. Strawberry season was a success, we had berries up until Thursday - longer than most growers in the GTA. [...]

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