It sure is easier to be happy when you have an amazing day like today.  The snowbanks are finally losing their battle and are succumbing to the inevitable spring melt.  We knew it would happen one day.
With the thaw we are able to bring up more of our outside buildings and equipment as they are released from the grip of winter.  The train, playhouse and puppet theatre have arrived home to Greenbank.  There is still more to do but these were definitely milestones and farmer Jim is starting to relax just a little bit.

Couscous, one of our goats you love is now a mom.  She had a bouncing baby boy Wednesday April 2nd and he is growing like a weed.  Oh the energy of youth.

We will have an auction sale here in Greenbank Victoria Day Monday May 19th.  Come and join us as we will also have an unofficial open house so you can see what we’ve been up to.  
          Our official opening for the season will be for strawberries approx mid June.

School tours begin the first week of May.  There are spaces still available.  This year we are beginning tours for the high school level.

We’re organizing a calender of events for the season.  Stay tuned for complete details.  

                                        A little drive for a whole lot of country.