Introducing Amal

As I began raking the straw off the berry plants in the strawberry field, a new sense of accomplishment washed over me. Hold on, I’m getting ahead of things, let's rewind a bit! In 2002, a baby girl was born in Pakistan to her parents, and they named her Amal!  They all moved to [...]

By |2023-06-06T11:06:53-04:00May 19th, 2023|baby animals, blog, News on the Farm|Comments Off on Introducing Amal

Spring is in the Air

We all heard the collective sigh of relief as the weather warmed up and the sun started melting the snow.  Here on the farm we've had small rivers flowing as the snow melted revealing grass, plowed fields and roadways.  This is a beautiful time of year as the ground is still solid enough to walk [...]

Warmth and sunshine are the ingredients for a smile

It sure is easier to be happy when you have an amazing day like today.  The snowbanks are finally losing their battle and are succumbing to the inevitable spring melt.  We knew it would happen one day.With the thaw we are able to bring up more of our outside buildings and equipment as they are [...]

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