This summer may have been not have been the warmest but for us it has been the fastest.  I don't wish time away, each year it just seems to be speeding up.  Now we are at Labour Day weekend and planning for the fall season.  Our Harvest Festival will be happening each weekend in October.  Our pumpkin crop is looking great.

Our farm is open Saturday, Sunday and Labour Day Monday.

Our corn maze opens this weekend, a tradition that goes back over 20 years.  Come and get lost.  The corn is at least 10 feet tall.  Wagon rides to our Fairy Tale Lane and Forest Trail will be available Labour Day Monday from 11 till 4

The cool and occasionally(like almost every Tuesday) wet summer days have been comfortable to work in and have had good and not so good effects on our crops.  It benefited our strawberry crop, extending it into late July but has destroyed our tomato crop - blight has turned our tomato plants black.  This happens on the first year we were planning our first annual Celebrate Tomatoes weekend, September 6th and 7th.  We won't have pick your own this year but we will still have some tomatoes, thanks to the southwestern Ontario weather being more co-operative.  Look for some of our favorite recipes using them.

Come on out for a visit.  There is always lot's of fun on the farm.  We are open weekends in September - Saturdays 9-5, Sundays 10-6, and this Labour Day Monday 9-5.

Admission Saturday and Sunday $3.50/person 2 years plus, Labour Day Monday $5.50 + HST includes the wagon ride and trails.