sweet and delicious

sweet and delicious

We are always impatient to get that first taste of strawberries, fresh from the field; this year we had to wait till June 19th.  The good news is that the season is still here with us and strawberries can still be picked.  Hopefully for another week.  That is often unheard of in July for what we term June bearing strawberry varieties.  They are great for eating fresh, freezing or making into jams and baked goods.

Strawberries remind us of the warm sunny days in summer especially when the snow is blowing outside.

Sweet peas and sugar snap peas are still in season.  Black currants and gooseberries are now ready as well.  We have them fresh picked in our market.

Our farm will be open daily this summer 9 till 6 (except for Saturday august 15th) so check our crop update line often for what is in season. 905-985-6749