Forsythe Family Farm cider press day and harvest festival

Celia Klemenz Port Perry Star | Oct 30, 2014 Gord Geissberger prepared an apple press with ground apples as juice dripped from the press. Folks visiting the Forsythe Family Farm were treated to seeing a cider mill in action. The mill is owned and operated by brothers, Gord and Gary Geissberger, who stopped in [...]

East Gwillimbury farmers’ market provides fresh foods, classic acts

East Gwillimbury Era Sign of summer by Laura Finney Carl Nielsen buys strawberries from Leslie Forsythe It has been almost two months since the East Gwillimbury farmers market opened up at its new location and, for many involved, it has been a success. I just think it's fabulous," Councillor Marlene Johnston said. "People [...]

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