Happy Easter

Easter is special to us, a time of faith, and hope.  We cherish our time with family in this season of renewal. May your Easter be blessed with family as well.In the windows of opportunity that the weather is giving us we are slowly but surely getting everything moved up from Markham.  Our school tour [...]

Warmth and sunshine are the ingredients for a smile

It sure is easier to be happy when you have an amazing day like today.  The snowbanks are finally losing their battle and are succumbing to the inevitable spring melt.  We knew it would happen one day.With the thaw we are able to bring up more of our outside buildings and equipment as they are [...]

Spring – A time for optimism

The first full day of spring is living up to our expectations of warm, sunny weather with a fresh breeze blowing.  It is what keeps us optimistic that winter will eventually end.  It has been quite a roller coaster ride of temperatures this past winter and it doesn't look like that will stop with the [...]

Cold Enough?

As with many of you we have felt the frost quakes, had difficulty starting cars and tractors and generally griped about the cold.  We've been working diligently in the market trying to keep the apples and the water pipes from freezing.Our moving has been hampered with the cold weather as most things are frozen into [...]

An Invitation to our Customer Appreciation Days Dec 14th, 15th and 21st, 22nd

We are truly thankful for the support expressed by our customers; the stories you have told us, the place that  the farm has had in your lives.  Some of you have already brought in pictures for our memory board.It has been 27 years of making the effort to connect with you and share our joy [...]

Christmas Trees are Here

The snow is here early and everyone is off to an early start.  It seems time speeds up when preparing for special occasions.We have beautiful Fraser and Balsam Fir trees along with pine and spruce.  Our courtyard is transformed into a forest -  oh the smell - awesome!  The wet fall has kept the trees [...]

October Harvest Festival Happenings

Fall is now in the air with the cool breezes and cold nights.  Halloween is quickly approaching and the fun continues.  Our pumpkin crop has been amazing this year - in quality, size and numbers.  Our pumpkin corral just keeps filling up to give you a great selection of pumpkins.This will be the last weekend [...]

Macintosh, Honey Crisp and Gala Apples are here

Long anticipated and seemly late the first main season crop of apples are now available in the market.  Honey Crisp, Gala and MacIntosh apples arrived this weekend.  Crispy, these fresh picked apples are from Graceview Farms in Port Burwell.  We are once again getting our apples from John.  His apples were great last year and [...]

Feels like Fall, there go the summer crops

Hot one day, cold the next and now frost warnings in cottage country.  Puts the pressure on to enjoy those last fruits and vegetables of summer before they are gone with the season.  Fall is officially just around the corner.Tomatoes are one of those crops and our market is bursting with them at the moment. [...]

Tomato Harvest is at its Peak

It's been a fantastic year for our tomatoes; for quality and flavour.  Our market is bursting with tomatoes and now is the time to catch the freshness and flavour the summer sun has given them.  So get your canning jars ready.  Capture the taste of summer as we move on into the fall harvest season. [...]

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