Spring is in the Air

We all heard the collective sigh of relief as the weather warmed up and the sun started melting the snow.  Here on the farm we've had small rivers flowing as the snow melted revealing grass, plowed fields and roadways.  This is a beautiful time of year as the ground is still solid enough to walk [...]

Summer and the Farm changes with the seasons

The seasonal changes can be seen in our market with the variety of fruits and vegetables available.  Variety is the spice of life.Strawberries are in their last week but raspberries, cherries and blueberries are coming in. Peas are at their peak - sweet and sugar snap are bountiful right now.  Beans are just beginning as [...]

The farm is enchanting

The farm is enchanting in so many ways - the beauty of the harvest, the space of the countryside and coming up the release of the enchantment from our forest.So many things are happening this summer - right now we have fresh chicken available in our market and peas and beans fresh picked or pick [...]

Berries are Fantastic

The strawberry crop this year has been one of our best. The berry patch is loaded with berries and picking is quick, the flavour fantastic.Fresh picked berries are available at our Markham farm and Greenbank, the pick your own in Greenbank only.Sugar Snap peas are in the market for the first day. They taste great [...]

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